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Launch of Nonprofit Contracting Taskforce

  • September 18, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Board of Legislators 8th Floor Committee Room, Westchester County Office Building, 148 Martine Ave # 800, White Plains

Nonprofit Contracting Task Force: September 18th

We are pleased to announce that the Westchester County Board of Legislators will launch the Nonprofit Contracting Taskforce on Wednesday, September 18th at 10:00 AM. The committee’s purpose is to promote methods to streamline Westchester County’s contracting process with nonprofit organizations, address issues related to timely procurement and payment and offer education and support to nonprofit organizations related to the contracting process. Legislator Jewel Williams-Johnson is chair of this task force, with Nonprofit Westchester Executive Director, Jan Fisher.

RSVP to Jill R. Axelrod, Committee Coordinator, Committees on Legislation and Law & Major Contracts, Westchester County Board of Legislators by emailing and indicate whether you would like to attend in in-person or via Web-ex. Contact Jan Fisher with any questions.

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