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Good Governance: The Positive Board-Staff Partnership

  • February 09, 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom Meeting
  • 0


A positive relationship between the Board of Directors of a nonprofit agency and the CEO/Executive Director and other key staff members is critical to the healthy functioning of the organization and to mission advancement. Like any relationship, the one between the board and staff requires work, boundaries, and an understanding of and respect for each other’s roles and responsibilities.

This interactive workshop is designed to:

  • Provide a review of the legal roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors,
  • Engage participants in conversations about the challenges of the board-staff relationship and strategies for establishing and maintaining a healthy partnership
Participants are encouraged to ask questions and present case studies/challenging situations in advance so issues can be they can be discussed anonymously and in a productive, solution-oriented manner.


  • Maurice Segall, Esq. Director, Pro Bono Partnership
  • Sharmila Rao Thakkar, Executive Director, Staten Island Not for Profit Association
  • Jan Fisher, Executive Director, Nonprofit Westchester

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