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Winter is Here: How the Federal and NYS Budgets Impact a Thriving Westchester

Winter is Here: How the Federal and NYS Budgets Impact a Thriving Westchester
February 02, 2018 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Location: Pace University Law School, Tudor Room, 78 North Broadway, White Plains, NY 10603

Registered attendees (67)

Date Name
January 09, 2018
January 09, 2018 Smith, Gregory
January 09, 2018
January 09, 2018
January 09, 2018 Damico, Noelle
January 09, 2018 Goldberg, Margaret
January 08, 2018
January 08, 2018 Jacobs, Kim
January 08, 2018
January 05, 2018 Anonymous user - plus 1 guest
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